
A pioneering new cubesat space telescope to observe the most distant explosions in the Universe and to find planets around other stars

Sky Hopping with Australia’s First Space Telescope

SkyHopper has been featured in an article on The University of Melbourne’s Pursuit blog, written by Principal Investigator Michele Trenti. The piece discusses some of the challenges of engineering a space telescope that needs to fit in a shoebox, as well as the technological advances that are leading to the emergence of a smaller breed of satellites in an ongoing 21st century race to make space more accessible:

Thanks for supporting student participation in SkyHopper!

The crowdfunding campaign to support paid student internships has ended. Thanks to several generous supporters we will be able to offer one paid internship this summer. Stay tuned for the upcoming advertisement of the position if you are an undergraduate student in science or engineering at the University of Melbourne keen to get involved.

Get involved in the project: Crowdfunding for student internships

Do you want to help us to put SkyHopper in space?

Our project is progressing well, thanks in part for the amazing work that our student interns are doing. We are hoping to continue this internship program, but the team lacks the resources to fund more internships directly. However, you can help us and have a chance to get involved in the project!

In fact, SkyHopper has been selected as one of the four pilot projects for crowdfunding by The University of Melbourne:

Continue reading “Get involved in the project: Crowdfunding for student internships”

Project update: Expanded science focus, new team members, preliminary design progress, Australian space agency.

The last few months have been hectic but highly productive for the SkyHopper project, and there are several news that will be presented in greater details in the next newsletter and in a major website update. In the meantime, a brief preview of the key highlights:

The SkyHopper and the Australian Space Eye teams joined forces to develop a unified mission concept for Australia’s first space telescope. The combined SkyHopper CubeSat project has an expanded and stronger science case that includes new ambitious planetary science and extragalactic observations, in particular the first high-precision measurement of the unresolved infrared background radiation produced by stars and galaxies during the first billion years after the Big Bang. As a result our team membership has grown significantly at the national level, while at the same team we have established new international collaborations.

Continue reading “Project update: Expanded science focus, new team members, preliminary design progress, Australian space agency.”

Funding awarded for development of SkyHopper’s innovative camera

SkyHopper’s German CoInvestigators Sylvio Klose (TLS) and Jochen Greiner (MPE) have been awarded more than 1,200,000 AUD (780,000 EUR) to develop the technology at the base of a key component of SkyHopper’s camera that will allow to acquire images simultaneously in four colors.

A schematic of the Kester prism, with light-rays at different wavelengths indicated by different colors. This optical component will allow SkyHopper to simultaneously acquire images in four colors (z’, Y, J, H from bluest to reddest), covering the spectral range from 0.8 to 1.7 microns.

Continue reading “Funding awarded for development of SkyHopper’s innovative camera”

Number of posts found: 15


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