Posted under News

  1. SpIRIT technology demo successfully operating in orbit

    We are delighted that the Melbourne Space Laboratory achieved successful in-orbit technology demonstration of the cryocooler system envisioned to be used for SkyHopper: Commissioning update: Cryocooler …

  2. SpIRIT CubeSat funded: Paving the way for SkyHopper

    SkyHopper Principal Investigator Michele Trenti and Co-Investigator Airlie Chapman have been awarded $3.95 million from the Australian Space Agency International Space Investment Expand Capability grant program …

  3. Project update: Detailed definition funded!

    The last few months have been very hectic for me and the SkyHopper team, and we did not have a chance to update the website. I …

  4. Assistant Systems Engineer Internship

    We are very pleased to announce that the SkyHopper team has an opening for one paid internship for the remainder of the semester and during the …

  5. Summer Internship 2019: Call for applications

    We are very pleased to announce that the SkyHopper team has an opening for one summer intern, to work on laboratory characterization of the cryocoolers that …

Number of posts found: 15


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