Assistant Systems Engineer Internship

We are very pleased to announce that the SkyHopper team has an opening for one paid internship for the remainder of the semester and during the winter break.

The intern will serve as an assistant spacecraft-level Systems Engineer for the project and assist in carrying out research to develop the overall mission design, based on combining commercial TRL9 avionics and bus components with a custom designed and developed science payload. The assistant spacecraft-level Systems Engineer will also coordinate the definition of interfaces between subsystems and work with the Principal Investigator, the mission Systems Engineer and the science management committee to ensure that the overall spacecraft design meets the science requirements of the mission.

The position is remunerated at the UoM casual research assistant grade 1 level (approximately $41/hour), with an expected work load of around one day/week during the current term, and up to full-time during winter break.

Key selection criteria:

  • Enrollment in or completion of a Bachelor degree or equivalent in Engineering, Physics, or a related area.
  • Experience contributing to a nanosatellite development project, or a project of similar scope and complexity.
  • Expertise in code development using Python.
  • Familiarity with LaTeX.
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel.
  • Excellent interpersonal and both written and oral communication skills in English.
  • Excellent ability to work co-operatively and positively in a multi-disciplinary research-based team environment and liaise with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Demonstrated excellent organisational skills to meet deadlines and bring projects to a timely completion.

Desirable selection criteria:

  • A BSc or equivalent in Engineering, Physics, or a related area.
  • Enrollment in a postgraduate degree in Engineering or Physics with focus on Space research.
  • Experience with systems level engineering and requirements management.
  • Experience participating in complex projects involving multiple stakeholders.

Expressions of interests for the internship should consist of a brief CV and cover letter addressing the selection criteria, and should be sent to by 5pm May 12th. The team values diversity and inclusion, and actively encourages applications from under-represented groups of students.



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