Thanks for supporting student participation in SkyHopper!

The crowdfunding campaign to support paid student internships has ended. Thanks to several generous supporters we will be able to offer one paid internship this summer. Stay tuned for the upcoming advertisement of the position if you are an undergraduate student in science or engineering at the University of Melbourne keen to get involved.


Australian Astronomical Observatory ∙ Australian National University ∙ Cambridge University ∙ Curtin University ∙ Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica ∙ Macquarie University ∙ Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics ∙ NASA Goddard ∙ NASA Ames ∙ Space Telescope Science Institute ∙ Stonybrook University ∙ Swinburne Institute of Technology ∙ Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg ∙ University of Colorado ∙ University of Leicester ∙ University of New South Wales ∙ University of Southern Queensland ∙ University of Virginia ∙ University of Western Australia