Posted under News

  1. Sky Hopping with Australia’s First Space Telescope

    SkyHopper has been featured in an article on The University of Melbourne’s Pursuit blog, written by Principal Investigator Michele Trenti. The piece discusses some of the …

  2. Thanks for supporting student participation in SkyHopper!

    The crowdfunding campaign to support paid student internships has ended. Thanks to several generous supporters we will be able to offer one paid internship this summer. …

  3. Get involved in the project: Crowdfunding for student internships

    Do you want to help us to put SkyHopper in space? Our project is progressing well, thanks in part for the amazing work that our student …

  4. Project update: Expanded science focus, new team members, preliminary design progress, Australian space agency.

    The last few months have been hectic but highly productive for the SkyHopper project, and there are several news that will be presented in greater details …

  5. Funding awarded for development of SkyHopper’s innovative camera

    SkyHopper’s German CoInvestigators Sylvio Klose (TLS) and Jochen Greiner (MPE) have been awarded more than 1,200,000 AUD (780,000 EUR) to develop the technology at the base …

Number of posts found: 15


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