Get involved in the project: Crowdfunding for student internships

Do you want to help us to put SkyHopper in space?

Our project is progressing well, thanks in part for the amazing work that our student interns are doing. We are hoping to continue this internship program, but the team lacks the resources to fund more internships directly. However, you can help us and have a chance to get involved in the project!

In fact, SkyHopper has been selected as one of the four pilot projects for crowdfunding by The University of Melbourne:

We are hoping to raise $13,000 to support five student internships in 2019. This will help us to keep design work on track for a satellite launch by early 2022. If you are able to support us in any way, please find the link to the donations page below. Donations of $2 or more to University of Melbourne initiatives in Australia are tax-deductable for Australian tax payers.

One key goal we want to achieve with the crowdfunding campaign is also is to communicate the exciting engineering and science advancements that we are planning to achieve with Australia’s first space telescope. Thus, even if you are unable to donate, please consider sharing some of our website and social media content with your contacts. The best outcome for us from this crowdfunding campaign would be not only to attract five bright and committed students to work in the team, but also to increase participation in – and sharing of – astronomy and space science discoveries by the public in Australia and overseas.

To support us visit:


Australian Astronomical Observatory ∙ Australian National University ∙ Cambridge University ∙ Curtin University ∙ Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica ∙ Macquarie University ∙ Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics ∙ NASA Goddard ∙ NASA Ames ∙ Space Telescope Science Institute ∙ Stonybrook University ∙ Swinburne Institute of Technology ∙ Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg ∙ University of Colorado ∙ University of Leicester ∙ University of New South Wales ∙ University of Southern Queensland ∙ University of Virginia ∙ University of Western Australia