SkyHopper talks at international meetings

SkyHopper was recently presented at two international meetings: On April 7th, SkyHopper’s Principal Investigator Michele Trenti gave a talk at the “Science with CubeSats” Specialist Discussion Meeting hosted by the Royal Astronomical Society in London (UK). Shortly after that, on May 31st, Co-Investigator Jochen Greiner talked at the 6th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop in Cambridge (UK). Both presentations were well received, and the events have been excellent opportunities for networking with other leading CubeSat experts.


Australian Astronomical Observatory ∙ Australian National University ∙ Cambridge University ∙ Curtin University ∙ Istituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica ∙ Macquarie University ∙ Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics ∙ NASA Goddard ∙ NASA Ames ∙ Space Telescope Science Institute ∙ Stonybrook University ∙ Swinburne Institute of Technology ∙ Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg ∙ University of Colorado ∙ University of Leicester ∙ University of New South Wales ∙ University of Southern Queensland ∙ University of Virginia ∙ University of Western Australia